Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My baby bump

I had my first stranger noticing that I am pregnant moment today...I was at Walmart picking up a few last minute items needed for our trip to New York, one being prenatal vitamins. As I searched the isle for the brand I have been taking, a dear, sweet lady asked, "Are you looking for the prenatal vitamins? They are all right here on this shelf." A smile emerged as my heart was warmed. Not at her helpfulness, although that WAS nice, but at the fact that a perfect stranger looked at me and knew I was pregnant not just chubby! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Well hello again...

I KNOW, I KNOW! It's been a while. I have had the best of intentions this past month to get on and post, but you know how life gets. One day passes, then two--next thing you know, it's been a month--I don't know where the time goes. I guess this is one instance where the thought DOESN'T really count; At least not until you publish it as a post...hahaha. Anyways, it's not for lack of a topic, just the time to compose them. So here I am, AGAIN, with lots of catching up to do. Feels like the story of my life. Oh well...So, everything with the pregnancy is still going well. Both baby and mom are healthy (dad is too), and everything seems to be "normal". I am 25 weeks plus 4 days today, which means I am nearing the end of the second trimester. CRAZY!!! Time is seriously flying by! It scares me to think that this baby is going to be here before we know it! There is Thanksgiving and Christmas, then New Year's, and shortly thereafter, the one year mark of having been with Damien, then Valentine's Day, and then the baby should come. I feel like the kid playing hide-and-go-seek who is half hanging out of his hiding spot when the seeker ends his count and calls out, "Ready or not, here I come!" I just hope we will be ready! Occasionally I feel a little overwhelmed at the daunting task of raising a child, but at the same time, I feel honored. Overall, I just can't wait to meet this little guy, especially as my body is starting to show evidence of his existence. It now seems the bulge of my belly is noticeably bigger every morning, and I love it! One of my favorite things is to feel him move and try to figure out what his position is. He definitely likes my right side better than the left. Most mornings, I wake up to a lop-sided stomach that peaks about 1 1/2 inches to the right of my belly button as I lay on my back. It makes me smile. Sometimes his movements get a little bit uncomfortable, but I think about how his bones and muscles are getting bigger and stronger with each little kick, and it makes it all worth it! I am continually amazed that my body can nourish and sustain this growing life and that it just seems to KNOW what to do. Creating a tiny person really is a miracle! Speaking of miracles...It will be a miracle if we can come up with a name before our little man is born. We have gone through hundreds of names and found, literally, only a few (like 2) that we like enough to even consider. Please feel free to help us out by sharing any boy names you like! Just don't be offended if we don't use them. :) Anywho, I will try to do better and post more often...ttys! --Tonja