Thursday, September 18, 2008

It starts with ONE...

Today is day two of my new blogging journey, and over the past 24hours, I have been bombarded with texts, calls, e-mails, and blog comments showing interest in others wanting to start one as well. Let me just reassure you, if I can do this ANYONE can do this! I know that phrase get thrown around a lot, but I really mean it! All you do, is go to, do the little tour that explains everything, then set up your very own blog. It really is that simple. Granted, I haven't posted any pictures or done anything fancy, yet, but I will soon! So, what are you waiting for, you've got work to do...I will be anxiously waiting to hear of your blogspot address! Till then, bu-bye!

1 comment:

Denise said...

I'm so glad you have started a blog, it's a great way to keep up with new news. :) Love it!