Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My baby bump

I had my first stranger noticing that I am pregnant moment today...I was at Walmart picking up a few last minute items needed for our trip to New York, one being prenatal vitamins. As I searched the isle for the brand I have been taking, a dear, sweet lady asked, "Are you looking for the prenatal vitamins? They are all right here on this shelf." A smile emerged as my heart was warmed. Not at her helpfulness, although that WAS nice, but at the fact that a perfect stranger looked at me and knew I was pregnant not just chubby! :)


Caroline said...

We need to see said bump. Pronto.

Stephanie said...

We need to hang out soon! I'm so excited for you. I wanted to tell you that the other day when I was walking past your house, i think i may have been rude...I had a lady waiting to get a haircut at my house, so I needed to hurry. When I got home I realized that it probably seemed to you like I was brushing you off. I'm sorry if I was rude =). Anyways, that's way exciting that you're going to NY! I'll want to hear about it!
BTW You are so the cutest prenant lady.