Sunday, December 21, 2008

Glucola=Nectar of the Devil!

So, at my last doctor's visit, (which was on Wednesday, Dec. 17th) I had to do a screening test for gestational diabetes. No big deal, most doctors do this test with every pregnancy. Basically, you drink a special beverage containing 50 grams of glucose in 5 minutes or less, wait one hour, then have blood drawn or a finger poked to check the glucose levels in your blood. It is recommended to do the test fasting but not required. Having worked many years in a lab and in various OB offices, administering and instructing patients on this very test, I am very familiar with this routine. Since my appointment wasn't until 3:30, there was NO way I would be able to fast for this test. Um hello! You DO NOT stand in the way of a pregnant woman and food, especially for that long! Naturally, one might assume that something sensible to eat would be wise, and that knowledge of the protocol and purpose of this test would have deterred me from eating cinnamon toast crunch, which is basically carbs (aka sugar) and sugar, for breakfast and Cafe Rio (aka more carbs, read: "sugar", and more food than any person should be eating!) for lunch RIGHT before having to drink said glucola. Well, you'd think...but no. Needless to say, I failed. Due to all I had consumed beforehand, I had a feeling I would not pass but tried to be hopeful anyway. I needed to score 130 or less, and I got 153. Not SUPER high, but high enough to require me to come back fasting and do a more extensive test, the 3 hour Glucose Tolerance Test. For this one, you must fast for the entirety of the test, so I arranged to come in first thing in the morning the next day. You start by having a fasting level drawn, or poked as they do at my doctor's office. (On a side note: I HATE having my finger poked! I would rather stub my toe on the coffee table than have that stupid lancet jammed half way through my finger!) Then you are given the dreaded glucola drink. It's the same amount of fluid with twice the amount of glucose, although it tastes more like 5000 times more. Again, you must suck down the super sweet beverage in five minutes or less, a surprisingly difficult task. (Who knew there IS such a thing as "too sweet") Then you wait...your finger gets poked every hour for three hours to monitor how your body is handling the glucose. A passing test is one where at least 3 of the 4 results are below the acceptable levels, those being: fasting <95, at 1 hour < 180, at 2 hours < 155, and at 3 hours < 140. My fasting level was 73, so I was off to a good start. I guess I should say that there is an advantage to having your finger poked as opposed to having a tube drawn and sent to the lab for testing. Knowing the result within a few seconds instead of in a day or two is rather nice, especially for this test. If you pass the first three, you don't have to stay for the last one, which ended up being a lifesaver! About 20 minutes after drinking the 100 gram glucola, I started to get really nauseated and dizzy. Luckily there was an empty room for me to lay down in. I had THE WORST night's sleep the night before, so I was so tired that sleep came easy between finger pokes. My one hour result was 132, and the two hour was 103. That was three results within normal range, WOOHOO! I do not have gestational diabetes and better yet, I could eat! The plan was to go up to Fort Douglas and eat with Damien, but with how crappy I felt, I swung by, said hi, and headed home. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the weather. A nice clear, crisp morning to the doctor's office...a white-out when I got out. In the few hours I was there, 4 inches of snow fell and stuck wherever it landed. My car was covered, the roads were covered, and people were driving like fools! There was no sign of it slowing anytime soon. Another determining factor in me going home instead of lingering around to have rush hour traffic to fight. Anyways, it took a couple days for my body to get back to normal after taking the glucose tests. Either that or I coincidentally got the stomach flu at the same time. Regardless, I am glad THAT'S over, and I have learned a valuable lesson if there ever is a next time!


Unknown said...

My favorite part is the name, "GluCOLA" as if it makes it more enticing when you slap the word "cola" at the end. I will say that stuff is evil! And even now, two years after my last encounter with the stuff I still shudder.

Sarah W. said...

my phone couldn't open the picture of your baby! Uggghh!!! I am dying here. I know you are busy, but PLEASE post some pics of Cadence!