Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A child was born...a month ago

Heeheehee! Okay, so i'm not the quickest poster in the west, but i'm okay with it.
I would like to introduce you to Cadence Neville Murphy. He came into this world on January 27th 2009 and was 5 weeks early. He weighed 4lbs 3.8 oz., was 18in. long, and has captured the hearts of most everyone that has met him. He first tried to join us January 16th, but we were able to buy him some much needed extra womb time and get him the steroids necessary to help his lungs develop since early delivery was highly likely. Good thing we listened, because when he was born a week and a half later, he didn't need any respiratory assistance at all, which is unusual for a baby this early. Strong from the start, he was able to nurse, regulate his body temperature, and lift his head up. Yeah, it was wobbly, but again, unusual for a baby this early. Right before I delivered him, the nurses and Dr. Twede were preparing Damien and me for the worst. They told us about how sick he may be and all the tubes and machines he would most likely need just to help him survive. Everyone was amazed when he didn't need any of them. He did have an IV inserted in his hand for the first few days to receive fluids and sugar because he had a hard time regulating his blood sugar, but that was removed by day three. Late on day two, a feeding tube was inserted to use every other feeding because he was exerting too much energy nursing and it was tiring him out. With the use of the feeding tube, he could get more sleep and not burn off the calories he needed to put on weight, plus we could see exactly how much food he was getting. He also spent a few days under the bili lights because he was looking a little jaundiced and his biliruben levels were a little high. Total, he spent 6 days in the hospital. That's how long it took in order to meet the three requirements to go home. He needed to be able to keep himself warm, he needed to take every feeding by mouth, either breast or bottle, and he needed to be gaining weight. When he was born, they told us not to expect to bring him home earlier than my original due date. That would have been March 2nd. We feel very lucky that we were able to bring Cadence home as soon as we did. There were other babies in the nursery that had been carried longer that were in a lot worse shape than Cadence was. I feel that God has watched over us and has had a hand in it. This little miracle baby has a special spirit, and Damien and I feel very blessed to have been given the opportunity to spend this extra time with him. He is such a good baby and is growing like crazy. We are madly in love with this precious little being! Other than the sleep deprivation, the transition into parenthood has been seamless. I don't think it has hit either of us that anything is different. It's hard to remember life before Cadence, and I don't know that I want to!

1 comment:

Sarah W. said...


You did it! you finally put pictures up. He is BEAUTIFUL! His skin is the perfect shade and I love all that hair. I think he looks a lot like you in the picture by the soda bottle. I can totally see you in him. His lips are the best, man I can't get over him. Keep the pictures coming. They change so much.