Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I have come to realize the only person you can truly count on is yourself. Sad but true. Yeah, there are friends & family that can be a nice help at times, but ultimately, we really are on our own. What's a person to do, when the things that mean the most to them--friends, family, and the relationships they have with them--fail or turn out to be not exactly what they thought. It is the relationships with the people I love that give me the most happiness and joy but also cause the greatest amount of heartache and pain. For someone who tends to feel things deeply, this can be torturous! I don't mean to be dramatic, I just have a hard time when problems arise that seem to have no solution. Is it possible NOT to have ANY expectations in a relationship, so MAYBE you won't be disappointed? If so, how would your needs ever get met? People aren't mind readers, and most don't seem to have your needs in mind, unless they have a reason. And why WOULD they have a reason unless YOU gave them one? Do you see where I'm going? Yes, around in circles, which is the direction a lot of relationships seem to be going. It's quite dizzying, actually. But maybe that will be a nice feeling for now, and I can forget about the way things are working out, or not working out...I hate mary-go-rounds!


Bridgette said...

T. I think we need to talk! I've been trying to get ahold of you. Hang in there. Call me. P.S. I can't wait to hear the sex of the baby, either!!!!

Unknown said...

It's sad but true that people are not always reliable, and that they can let us down. Luckily there is One that never lets us down and never leaves us. I turn to Him when others leave me and He heals my heart. Thank heaven there are no merry-go-rounds with the Lord!